Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement

Movement.  Another great prompt from Sara Rosso on the daily post:Movement.  How do you show movement in your photos? This photo choice is a very deliberate show of movement through the camera lens and the blurring lights, but how else can you show movement of objects, or of the action that’s happening in your picture?

Plenty of movement going on in this pic from the 2012 Good Friday service in the PCO (Protestant Church in Oman)-from the flag waving, to the dancing ministry in the front and dozens of people jumping around and singing! 

                                           For some people, the word “movement” conveys scenes of people or objects in motion.  For me, I like to think of the deeper spiritual application in seeing what we Christians sometimes refer to as “a movement of God” (or revival) seen through the actions of the church and dynamic preaching of God’s Word.  I love trying to capture the movement of our 3 beloved pastors as they passionately convey God’s heart to the people week after week.

PCO Pastor, Michael Peppin, during his sermon, “Today in Paradise“.

Reverend Peppin trying to get the message across in his sermon “That Wonderful Plan of God“.

The current lead pastor (one year rotation), Pastor Barry Dawson (RCA) during his sermon “Another Word for Love” (which was found to be “self-giving” or “sacrifice”)

Pastor Barry getting deep into the message during his Epiphany sermon titled “Going into the Future on a Road Less Traveled“.  The movement of his hands is so fast, it looks like he’s got about 10 fingers on that one hand!  🙂

The newest addition to the pastoral staff at the PCO, Pastor Chris Howitz, in action during his sermon “A Cross Shaped Dwelling“.

This last pic was taken during one of the closing songs.  I don’t normally take photos of lyrics on slides but I thought it nicely captures the pinnacle of “the movement of God in human history”.

This hymn is known as the love song of the 1904 Welsh “Revival” (or movement of God).                                                        “Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” (Plato)

3 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement- How to clean your lizard « Ben Williams' World

  2. Sadly, another Russel Ray camping trip comes to an end………………..

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