10 Reasons Why I Prefer WordPress over Blogger

  I started my first blog (“andyinkorea“) on March 31, 2005. (Check out my 1st 2 blogposts which were within 6 minutes of each other here.)  That was 5 years, 6 months and 15 days ago today.  I stuck with “blogger” for quite some time but eventually I switched over to wordpress.  I am much happier with wordpress and whenever I meet a new blogger or someone thinking of starting up a blog, I tell them why I prefer wordpress.  I thought I’d share that list (or at least part of that list) with you today:

1) Font/Theme/Template Styles & Choices: There are so many options with wordpress to give your blog the look you desire!  It’s also super easy to change your theme anytime you want with just a click of a button.

2) Easy to Use: Wordpress is really great and they pretty much make it “idiot proof” for somone who wants to start up a blog of their own.  Some options take time and patience to figure out but like I always tell the potential blogger, “If I can figure it out, anyone can!”  🙂

3)  Headers:  The option of using one of your own pics as your blog header or using a few standard wordpress headers gives the blogger options.  In my case, I like to change the header every now and then to give a “constantly changing look”.

4)  Side widgets:  I LOVE the widgets that are extremely easy to add to a wordpress blog.  You can add side options like “recent comments“, “top posts“, a calendar, a search box and “top clicks“.  I think it makes any blog more interesting (and again constantly changing) to have such cool options!

5)  Stats!:  This option is SO awesome perhaps it should be listed as reason #1 (but these are not listed in any particular order, dear reader! 🙂 )  I must say that even though numbers aren’t anything to go by, it is motivational to see how many people are popping by your blog and where your blog has been linked in from.

6)  Comment Moderation (Muhaha!):  Some people like to keep their blogs open for anyone to comment but I think that’s about as intelligent as the naive Canadians who leave their doors unlocked and trust anyone, ha!ha!  What I LOVE about wordpress is that you can leave it open to anyone (as I do) but you can have a secret list of words that if anyone puts any of them in their comments, the message is automatically held back from being posting until you “moderate it” and click “accept it”.  Awesome option! (I have had dozens of extremely bizarre and rude comments from being posted as a result.  WordPress is also great for protecting your site from spam!!!)

7)  “Freshly Pressed” Blogs!:  Whenever wordpress bloggers sign into wordpress on the homepage (www.wordpress.com) there are 10 blogs introduced each day which wordpress has considered interesting or fascinating for the day.  I have been introduced to some pretty cool blogs (and some I despise, ha!ha!) and some pretty cool new people this way.  This is a daily habit for me now-to check out the “freshly pressed blogs”.  Who knows, someday (but not likely with my beliefs…) I might make it as a freshly pressed blog!  🙂

8)  WordPress Support:  Every now and then on the homepage, they give you updated help such as tips for bloggers with writers block, information about new options and other helpful tips.

9)  Upgrades Made Easy:  I never could figure out how to add space if my old blogspot blogs reached their limits.  I was often reduced to starting up a new blog once the maximum limit was reached! WordPress, on the other hand, keeps you up to date with how much memory space is left.  In addition, they make it super easy (with a click on “upgrades” on your member’s page) to upgrade.  You can add memory for photo blogs (like mine) or you can even upgrade to a video blog! Again, cool options!

10)  Search Engine Results:  I LOVE this extra feature of WordPress.  I know a lot of other bloggers pay big money for companies to tell them who is searching their website, from where, what search results lead them to their blogs and such.  WordPress provides all that as an automatic option for all their bloggers!  You can see what the most popular search terms for your blog are from the past day, 7 days, quarter, year or all time.  For example, 936 people searching for “demons” found my blog, 894 for “anger managment”, 842 for “Andy in Oman” and 291 for “Oman”.  There are some extremely bizarre search results that led people to my blog but I’ll save that for a blog on its own, haha.

So if you have never started a blog yourself, why not go to www.wordpress.com and try one out for yourself.  It’s a lot of fun and like me, I’m guessing that you’ll meet a lot of interesting people along the way!  🙂  If you’re using blogger, do yourself a favor and “make the move”!

10 responses to “10 Reasons Why I Prefer WordPress over Blogger

  1. Yok is welcome! (not google!)

  2. To me as a beginner, blogger prefer than wp. But to know your credible is reasonable. Thanks for share your inspiration.

  3. I am considering a move from Blogger to WordPress. Try as I might, I can’t get my content to show up in a Google search. Even when I type in specific phrases. It’s frustrating. I wonder if the 892 ‘Anger Management’ count is actual visits to your blog or the number of times it appeared in a search result list. Appearing 892 times on a results list is fine, but were you always on page 250?

    It’s better than NEVER appearing.

    I may make the switch in March. Or perhaps try both at the same time and gauge which ones I like.


  4. Jenna,
    I seriously think you should move to WordPress. That why I took the time to write this post! 🙂 My old blogger post rarely showed up in google searches but now with wordpress about 50% of the views of my blog come from search engines! (I think that’s also in part due to the clever use of categories and tags by wordpress.) The 892 “anger management” count is ACTUAL VISITS to my blog. Those numbers are given in the stats page and it’s easily confirmed by the fact that the high number of actuals visits are what made that post one of the most popular on my site for 2010.

    Thanks for stopping by. Best of luck with your blogging! 🙂

  5. You compiled those pros of wordpress over blogger so well. I’m on wordpress and I love it! My WordPress blog is only about 2mnths and doing well on the stats. I think I’ll refer persons who wanna know ‘why wordpress?’ here.


  6. Flic,
    Thanks for the encouragment. I really love wordpress and can’t believe I wasted my time with blogger! Lovely blog, by the way. I loved reading about your “Women of Impact” Bible Study! cool! I’m also impressed that you signed on for “Post a Day 2011” with WordPress. Thanks for the comment and keep up the fine blogging! 🙂

    • Thanks for visiting me @ my blog…I have so much to say about the Women of Impact. You read the poem as well? My today’s post ‘All’s Well That Starts Well’ revolves around the same too. wordpress rocks. I’ll continue ‘worpressing’.. There is so much motivation with wordpress. I had started a blog with blogger sometime back, but I even didn’t concentrate on it.
      Yeah on postaday2011, I really wanna wordpress…

  7. Have fun and keep up the blogging!

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