Tag Archives: things to do in Muscat

Omani-French Museum in the Heart of Old Muscat

  The Omani French Museum is a great way to learn a lot about Oman’s history, not just about the history between Oman and France (as some may assume from the name of the museum…).  There were plenty of stamps on display in the museum.  Scale model of the Arc de Triomphe  Scale model of the Obelisk of the “Place de la Concorde”  A group of Republican Guards  They have a map of Paris showing all the places that Sultan Qaboos visited while in Paris on his trip to France May 30 – June 2, 1989 including plenty of photos and descriptions.  There are many photos with descriptions in English, French and Arabic of then President of France, Francois Mitterrand, during his trip to Oman in January of 1992.  It was during his 3-day trip here that he and Sultan Qaboos officially opened up the Omani-French Museum.  An ancient French map of Oman in which this entire region used to be referred to as “Arabia Felix” or “Happy Arabia”.  A scenic representation of Muscat as it would have appeared in the 18th and 19th Centuries from the entrance of the Cove  An 18th Century French map of the bays of Sidab, Muscat and Mutrah  General Bonaparte wrote a friendly letter during his Egyptian campaign to the Sultan of Oman, which was intercepted by a British agent.  Alerted, the British signed a treaty with Sultan bin Ahmed in 1789 which compelled him to stop trading with the French colonies.  Thanks to Ile de France governor Magallan, relations were not broken between France and Oman.  And when the Imam of Muscat expressed the wish to welcome an agent of the French government, Bonaparte decided to send Mr. Cavaignac to represent him in Muscat.  Upon his arrival in 1803 with his secretary, Mr. Vasse, in Muscat Harbour, war had broken out anew with the English.  In the face of the Sultan’s hesitations, worried as he was about the British reaction, the French renounced their mission.  (The above photo is of the letter of credentials signed by Bonaparte accrediting Cavaignac as Resident and General Commissioner for trade relations between France and Oman, October 1802.)  A replica of one of Napoleon’s swords.  Not the original sword of Napoleon of course, which sold for a record $6.5 million.  (Inspired by curved Arab swords which he noticed were very effective for cutting off French heads!)  Preliminaries to the signature of the 1844 Treaty between France and Oman.  The scene was painted by Louis Lebreton, the French fleet’s official painter.  An illustration of Sultan Faysal bin Turki’s reception of the French mission headed by Captain Ferre de Peroux – commanding the sloop Scorpion – whose task was to bring presents to the Sultan on behalf of France. (May 27, 1899)  An example of some of the ancient equipment at the museum, including marine compasses and sun dials.  Models of actual ships involved in trade between France and Oman centuries ago  A “dungiyah” from the Pakistani Gulf in Muscat Harbour, 1838.  (“DUNGIYAH. A broad-beamed flat-bottomed Arabian coaster trading between the Red Sea, Gulf of Persia, and the Malabar coast.”)  “Baghala” (ancient boat style) in Muscat Harbour, 1838.  The Shabab Oman is the largest of the last wooden-keeled ships still afloat.  It is a three-mast schooner with a 44-meter hull 845 square meters of sail.  The crew is made up of 7 officers, 25 sailors and 20 cadets.  Built in 1971 in Scotland, the Shabab Oman sailed to the United States in 1986, to Australia the next year and to France to take part in the 1989 French Revolution’s bicentennial celebrations.  Omani sailors have proved their aptitudes and courage in the Gulf and Indian Ocean waters since the farthest antiquity, dating back some 4,000 years.  This ancient maritime activity rests on a proven naval carpentry technique.  It allowed the Omanis to create the types of boats required for their sea-going needs: fishing, coastal trade, sea and ocean journeys.  Omani warship known as the “Garuk”, 1838.    A picture from September 1955 showing women carrying waterpots in Muttrah with the office of the “Wali” in the background.  “Badans” and “Houris” (traditional dhows) arrive at Muscat beach in front of the old Al Alam Palace, May 1957.  “Al-Zajira”  or “Al-Manjoor” was a common method of drawing water from wells by bullock power to pull a skin bag full of water to the top of the well.  It was then emptied into a pool and fed into irrigation ditches. (Ibri, December 1955)  Carrying firewood from Riyam to a firewood suq near Al-Khour mosque in Muscat, May, 1957.  The top floor of the Museum  Plenty of gorgeous banana trees and benches in the courtyard of this beautiful building, make it an ideal rest area before or after a visit to the museum.  The Museum itself is located in the building which used to be the 1st French Embassy in the Sultanate.  Before that, this white building was a palace which was then presented to the French Consulate by Sultan Assayed Faisal bin Turki in 1896.

I really enjoyed looking at the treasures within this very informative museum.  If you ever get to Muscat, why not visit it for yourself?!  “Pourquoi pas?!”

Feeling Cool in the Pool!!! Chillin’ at the Al Falaj Swimming Pool

Falaj pool Falaj Hotel pooldivers in pool  A scuba diving instructor training someone while Che, Henry and Ansu stroll by.  Pretty cool that they have the hotel name there on the bottom of the pool.  I never noticed that until now!Tracey at the pool  Tracey Mackenzie kicking back and enjoying a book in the shadeChe at Al Falaj  I can never have enough pictures of my love! 

We had such a fabulous time at the Falaj Hotel!  They charge 2 RO (about $5 US) for use of the pool for the day which is a pretty good deal.  The swimming pool at The Al Falaj Hotel is open Saturday to Thursday, 8am-9:30pm, and Friday, 11:30am-6pm.  You could hang inside all day with the air conditioner on high to escape the heat here…or you could head to the pool!

Boatride from the Beach of Bandar Al Jissah to the Sea Arch

our boat guide on the beach  Abdullah, an Omani local, waiting to take those interested out for a boat rideAbdullah on boat  Abdullah was suddenly all smiles once we agreed to go out on his boat.  The normal price is 3 RO to the sea arch and back.  Abdullah asked 5RO and because we didn’t feel like haggling with an elder gentlemen and we still thought it was so cheap, we agreed.che on Bandar boatboat anchor seaarchAbdullah steering boatapproaching sea archSea Arch and boatsunset at BandarBandar Sea-Arch  We were very glad that we decided to take the boat ride out to the sea-arch.  A 3-5 RO price for such a beautiful view of the Muscat coast is well worth it!  If you ever come out to Qantab/Bandar Al Jissah and some locals hit you up for a boat-ride, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.  Say, “Yes”!

Omani Heritage Village

Located at Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa, this unique  Omani Heritage Village is worth a visit!OmaniHeritageVillage  Anyone who has been to the Shangri-La here in Oman knows that the hotel grounds are gorgeous with flowers everywhere.  Large parts of this area for tourists are still under construction but there is still enough going on there to merit a look. flower1flowers2flower3omaniheritagevillageentrance  This place is open everyday from 9am to midnight!  The best part is that entrance is free, ha!ha!locallymaderug  This here rug is just one quick example of the locally produced handicrafts for sale at the Omani Heritage Village.  Some are even made right on site.  We saw one older Omani gentleman named Calif making baskets as we entered.moresouvenirs  A lot of the clay handicrafts available  at the shops like the ones shown here, we were told, are made by ladies from the village of Bahla near Nizwa.  Omanis like to think that the people there have “magic hands” as that town is well-known for ghosts and magical legends…jewelryincenseboxesclayfort  5 ORkhanjarOmanidollsomaninabottleCheandCalif  Che and an Omani gentleman, Calif, who is originally from the city of Rustaq.  He makes the dye for the baskets and hats himself and if you look at his hands, you will notice that they are purple from the dye.  He asked us for only 6 RO for the hat that Che is wearing in this photo.CheandMiriam  Mariam, another kind employee at the Heritage Village, works at the shop that sells perfume, incense and provides “henna” (hand-decorating) for female tourists who are interested.  The people we met there today are exceptionally kind and we will try to make it back some Wednesday night.  On Wednesdays, there is a “cultural dinner” (for 15 R0 adults/7.5 for kids) that includes Omani dancing, music and Arabian horses and camels displays. silvercamels  These cute camels are made of pure silver and sell for 22 RO apiece.  There are also larger ones available at 67 RO.  All kinds of souvenirs are available here no matter what you’re looking for and they are planning on opening even more shops as construction continues on the village.cheandherhat  My lovely wife, Che, with her new Omani hand-made hat!  I highly recommend anyone in Oman (Omani or expat) to come and support the talented artists at the Omani Heritage Village!  (Give them a call at 24776666, ext 6565 if you’d like to reserve a spot for their famous Wednesday night cultural dinner/entertainment.)