Daily Archives: May 27, 2009

Mirchi/Shang Thai – The New Restaurant(s) in Al Khuwair, Muscat, Oman

Che at Mirchi  My honey in front of Mirchi/Shang Thai which is just behind the Al Khuwair McDonald’sshrimp chips  These shrimp chips are served when you first sit downspring rolls  One of the appetizers we tried-vegetable spring rolls.  Pretty good!dimsum  Another appetizer-dimsum che vinoo and pastor peppin  Che with Vinoo and Pastor Michael Peppin.  By the way this building is actually TWO restaurants.  The ground floor serves Indian food (this restaurant is “Mirchi” and the Thai restaurant, “Shang Thai“, is on the 1st floor (what we would call “the 2nd floor” in Canada…).   We enjoyed the Thai restaurant this time.  (Tel: 24483083)

Speaking of Thailand…Che and I are taking off tomorrow for a 2 week vacation!!! (like a late honeymoon)  If I am on-line, you will be able to catch us at : www.andyinthailand.wordpress.com

Enjoy your summer everyone, take care & God bless!!!

East Meets Middle East! (SMU’s Visit to SQU)

Mohammed and new friend  On May 2nd, 45 of my students and I had the great privilege of hosting a group of 43 students from SMU (Singapore Management University).singapore presentation  SMU is one of only 3 universities in Singapore.  It is one of the youngest institutions; established in 2000.  It focuses mainly on fields of business, accountancy, liberal arts, social science and law.  For more information on SMU, you can check out their website at www.smu.edu.sg mingling  It was so wonderful to see my students mingling with the Singaporean students.  Many of my students shared in our next class that it was the first time they had really interacted with people of a different culture. Awesome!Ahmed and Omar with new friend  The SMU group were visiting Oman as part of a wider immersion program, called Business Studies Mission, covering all GCC countries.  This is to help students understand economic, social and political developments in our part of the world (the Middle East).Ahmed and friend  Ahmed making new friends!  Check out this short video of the Singaporeans singing to my students! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXee1Jle0Hc  “One Peope, One Nation, One Singapore!”Mariam getting award  My student, Mariam, did a fabulous job presenting information about our university to the group from Singapore.  Here she is receiving a thank you gift!Salim getting award  Here is my other student, Salim, (also receiving a gift) who worked with Mariam on a presentation about Omani culture and university life to the group from SMU.  I couldn’t have picked better representatives!Shais and friend  Shais, on the right, really enjoyed the chance to meet people from Singapore.  Like many of my other students, he now has email buddies from another part of the world!making new friends  Osama, Sulaiman, one of the SMU students and Shais bonding outside before the group had to leave.Mohammed Mazan and Singaporean friend  Mohammed and Mazen listen on as their new friend tells them about how fascinating he found Oman, our university and his new Omani friends!Sulaiman Osama and friend  We couldn’t have picked a better day for a visit as they happened to visit on “University Day” with a lot of things happening on campus!  For many students, the best part of the visit was taking them on short, private tours around campus and getting to know them better.Edward and Zahran  Edward, who is currently doing an internship here in Oman, and one of my precious students, Zahransqu-smu  This picture was designed by my extremely creative and talented student, Osama.  I can’t thank my students enough for volunteering their time and energy to share a part of their lives with the group from Singapore.  They truly acted as great ambassadors of Oman and I am very proud of the hospitality and love they showed.  I am very blessed to have taught such interesting/incredible/bright engineering students this semester!  Life is SO good when you have a job you love!